Meet the team
Sue Thomas was a senior manager at Citizens Advice for 21 years until she left so that she could care for her increasingly frail mother. At Citizens Advice, in voluntary roles, and in consultancies she has considerable experience in charity governance, organisational behaviour, and complaints investigations. She cared for her mother at home for six years until her death in November 2016, and offers her personal experiences of dementia and end of life care.
Kathryn Deane spent almost all her working life in the third sector, most of it in community music, and most of that time as CEO of the UK professional association for community musicians, Sound Sense. She has experience of governance and constitution-writing. She has served as chairs and treasurers to a wide variety of voluntary and charity organisations over the last four decades. She has managed the development of grant-making schemes, and has been a grants assessor to a number of grant-making schemes. She shared the care of her mother in law with Sue Thomas.
Elinor Mead is currently bringing up her three young children. Having been chair of the local primary school PTA she has been a school governor for some time and is now vice chair of the governing body with responsibility for safeguarding. For several years she was an active volunteer with her local NCT supporting young mothers.
Meet the staff
The staff? We have no staff! TDT is entirely voluntary-run, so we can make the most of our limited funds.