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As a responsible funder, we are developing clear policies on a range of topics. Some of these are internal: how we will work and behave. Many are about the way we relate to external people and organisations. Some are specifically about the way we will handle applications and the application process.


We reserve the right to amend or replace our policies as we need to and without specifically giving notice to people – so make sure you check with our All the latest blogs on the home page regularly.


Each of the following policies is either approved by the trustees (in which case you can download a copy of it); or in draft or under consideration


Business plan




Conflicts  of interest




Privacy policy



Registered in England by the Charity Commission, no 1179182

Recognised by HMRC as a charity.


  • Bankers: Metro Bank

  • Cookies: see footer om home page when you first visit



Press centre

Just one press release? Well, it's a start. And a very important one, too


Grants awarded, round 1

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