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Ways of working


How do you do your job? If your reply is “same as always, why should we change?” you’ll get no points from us; “same as always, it’s tried and tested” will score only a little better. Sure, there’s a place for not reinventing the wheel – but it’s not a very big place, and we think we owe it to our beneficiaries to seek new and better ways of doing things. If your project is using new or different ways of working, do tell – it’ll at least pique our interest.


It’s down to you to make a case for why you think your ways of working are worthy of note. Some examples might be:

  • learning projects These might be pilots, or preliminary research where an organisation has an idea but needs funding for early thinking. You’ll need to tell us what you hope to get out of the project (and how you’ll cope if it all goes skew-whiff); and where and how you will disseminate the results of your project (whether successful or not).


  • less popular causes If you’ve identified a strong need for a project but are having unusual difficulty in funding it, maybe that makes it somewhat important to fund. Tell us in your application if this is the case.


  • small projects – provided they have the potential to have a big impact. This could apply to either a stand-alone small project or perhaps an identifiable element within a large project that will  punch above its weight. We’re not much interested in being a general small contributor to a large project – so save your general appeals for other funds.


  • cross-themes Projects that genuinely need to work over more than one theme or way of working. For example, there is clearly scope for a learning project bringing together music, advice work and end of life care.



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